Why can’t I find the marketplace on Facebook? – Previously we discussed how to get on Marketplace on Facebook, and now let’s look into Facebook Marketplace Settings. FB users come across different issues as they use the platform. The marketplace is now one of the most trending services offered by Facebook and from time to time matters arise because users want certain questions answered. With Marketplace Customer Service, you can do any of the following below;
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When you have any complaints concerning the FB Marketplace, you can report it by following the procedures below:
To make things even easier for yourself, you can go to Facebook help center here like you do when you need help with anything regarding FB. It takes you directly to the Facebook Help Center. Now, you have no reason to get scared when your Marketplace Service isn’t working.
When you visit FB Marketplace, have in mind that you can adjust your settings by navigating your way to your account settings. Well, on Marketplace, you can set your account the way you want most especially when you want to be seen by a specific set of individuals. To turning on or off your notification to know when you have a buyer who is interested in your products, just follow the processes below:
And that’s it on Facebook marketplace settings. Do contact Facebook support should you need any assistance regarding your marketplace.
The Facebook Marketplace icon is one we’re all familiar with – or at least most of us. The icon is located in the middle of your app screen menu at the top of your app, or on the menu on the left side on the browser version… except for when it’s not!
Odds are you’ll not come across this very often, but you may find yourself in a situation where your marketplace has disappeared, this can be for a number of reason Why can’t I find the marketplace on Facebook.
Find the reasons and possible fixes below!
Take awesome photos
Facebook Marketplace is a photo-stream of items for sale, so your first picture needs to be eye-catching — or, at the very least, well-lit and in focus. Your pictures don’t need to be professional — it’s a mobile app, after all — but it’s worth it to spend some time getting the right ones. Here are some tips:
Price your item at the high end, but be open to negotiation. Nobody will pay you more than the listed price, but plenty of people will try to negotiate via Facebook Marketplace’s Make Offer button (or via private message).
List each item separately
Maybe you’re moving and you have a slew of items to post. You might be tempted to combine them all in one mega-moving-sale listing, but if you can spare the extra minutes, you should list each item you’re selling separately. Because Facebook Marketplace is primarily picture-based, you only get one picture to capture the heart of your potential buyers — they’re not going to swipe through 10 photos just to see if you have the pieces they want. All of your listings are associated with your Facebook account, so just mention that you’re having a moving sale and potential buyers can browse through your listings.
Prep your profile
The big difference between Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace is the fact that Facebook Marketplace is linked to your Facebook profile. This makes Facebook Marketplace a little more credible, because people can see your picture and learn your name (and perhaps other information, depending on what you choose to share) instead of making a completely blind purchase.
What this means is that you want your public profile to make you look like a trustworthy person — not a scammer. Make sure that your profile picture is a photo of you (preferably a well-lit photo of your smiling face), and that your cover photo is not offensive. Now is also a good time to do a Facebook privacy check — make sure your public profile isn’t sharing information you wouldn’t want random strangers to stumble across.
Make the sale
Once you’ve listed your item and found a potential buyer, it’s time to make the sale. Facebook lets you connect with the buyer via Facebook Messenger, and you should use this to hash out all the details – the condition of the product, the price, the logistics of how the item is going to transfer from seller to buyer, etc. Because Facebook Marketplace does not offer protection for the seller or the buyer, it’s important for both of you to be on the same page before any exchanges go down.
RECOMMENDATION– How To Locate Facebook Marketplace