WhatsApp Dark Mode Settings – WhatsApp Night Mode Settings

WhatsApp Dark Mode Settings – How to Enable Whatsapp Dark Mode on Android and iOS –  One of the most common features that have kept on coming to several apps and sites is ‘dark mode’, whether it is Google Chrome or messenger or Google app for smartphones. WhatsApp has also stepped up and will soon launch dark mode to its platform. The dark mode for WhatsApp has not yet been officially launched.

The great news is that you can enable dark mode on your Android or iOS devices and this article will give you steps that will guide you on achieving that. One thing to note is that this feature can be enabled by Android users who are using the latest Android Q beta version.

How to Enable WhatsApp Dark Mode Settings on Android

1. Go to your Settings

2. Click on Display

3. Select the theme

4. Click on Dark

5. Immediately the dark mode is turned on

6. Visit Settings again

7. Click on about phone

8. Go down to ‘Build number’ and click on it seven times

9. A message will pop-up reading ‘Developers options is turned on’. Click on ‘Override force-dark’ in order to apply the dark theme to your other apps.

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10. The dark theme will then be enabled on WhatsApp but the wallpaper in chat threads will still require to be changed so as to enjoy the dark mode fully.

11. Enter your WhatsApp Settings

12. Click on wallpaper

13. Select None and you are set to go

For people who are using iOS phones, it is important that the device works on iOS 11 or later versions.

Steps on How to Enable WhatsApp Dark Mode On iOS Phones

1. Enter your Settings

2. Click on general

3.Tap on accessibility

4. Click on Display and Accommodations

5. Click on Invert Colors then Smart Invert.

6. Now the dark theme has been enabled across all the apps in the device.

7. Just like android, you will need to select dark or no wallpaper for WhatsApp chat threads.

8. Enter your WhatsApp Settings then click on Wallpaper and tap on None.

So now you have access to WhatsApp dark mode Whether you’re using an Android or iOS device, you can now enable dark mode in WhatsApp by following the steps mentioned above.

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What the Whatsapp Dark Mode Will Appear to Look Like

So now that the WhatsApp dark mode has been made available for people to try out, it is known that it will be mostly dark grey in color, with green accents and the status messages will be on a yellow color.