What is a Marketplace on Facebook? | Facebook Marketplace Mobile App

What is a Marketplace on Facebook? – Before starting up on this article, we will love to let you know that the Facebook Marketplace is a feature available on the Facebook app or Facebook website platform and the Facebook Marketplace Mobile app is available as a standalone app.

Did you know that there are two different shopping areas on Facebook? There’s the Fb Marketplace and then there’s Fb Shop.

The Pros and Cons of Facebook Marketplace

Fb Marketplace is the more well-known of the two and even has its own Tab right on the homepage. But, Fb Shop is closer to a fully-fledged e-commerce site than Fb Marketplace.

To start with, we recommend you try visiting the Fb Marketplace following this link: https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/ on your mobile or desktop web browser while logged into your Facebook account to know if this Feature is available to you.

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If the Fb Marketplace link doesn’t allow you access, this means Fb Marketplace isn’t available to you right now as a result of the following

  • If you joined Facebook recently
  • If Fb Marketplace hasn’t been launched in your country, or
  • If your Facebook account doesn’t meet the Facebook Marketplace eligibility requirements.

Peradventure the Fb Marketplace link works for you, but says your Fb Marketplace access was removed see below for what might have been the cause

Why Facebook Marketplace Access Was Removed.

It’s possible your Fb Marketplace access is removed because you might have gone against Facebook’s “Commerce Policies or Community Standards” policy.

If you think you were wrongly judged and followed the Fb Marketplace policies, you can take a step to contact the Facebook team so they can take another look taking the step below:

  1. Visit Facebook.com on your mobile or desktop web browser, and click or tap the Fb Marketplace icon at the left column.
  2. Tap or Click “Request Review” and proceed by filling the form.
  3. By so doing your appeal request will be reviewed and responded to within a week. You can continue to check for updates in your Support Inbox or email associated with your Facebook account.

Note: If possible your Fb Marketplace access is restored, you may need to refresh Facebook.com in your mobile or desktop web browser or download the latest version of the Facebook app.

How To Access Facebook Market Place Mobile App Feature On Your Facebook Account

Peradventure the Fb Marketplace link works for you, but you don’t see the Fb Marketplace icon shortcut in the Facebook app, try visiting Fb Marketplace from your Facebook account menu:

  1. Open your Facebook app.
  2. Tap or click on the menu icon to access the menu options.
  3. Click or Tap the Fb Marketplace icon. If you don’t see the Fb Marketplace icon, tap the “See More” option to access it.


If you have access to the use of the Fb Marketplace features on your Facebook account, it is simply easy to navigate and use on your mobile phones using your individual Mobile Facebook app (either Facebook android app or Facebook iOS app).

Do so by simply, tapping on the Fb Marketplace icon at the bottom of your Facebook account Home page to start navigating through the Marketplace.

As a seller on the marketplace, you should ensure to sell standard products in the marketplace to avoid sellers requesting a refund after purchase. The items you ought to sell should also correspond to the terms and conditions in the marketplace.

How to Buy and Sell in the Facebook Shop

Below are the steps to follow to purchase goods in the marketplace.

  • Launch the Fb Marketplace site via your main FB site
  • Select the item you desire to purchase
  • Enter the “MESSAGE” option
  • Send the seller a message for purchase

To sell in the Fb Marketplace, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to the Fb Marketplace
  2. Click “Sell Something”
  3. Pitch up what you want to sell (input all the details of the merchandise)
  4. Click on “POST”

With this information above, you can buy and sell your products on Facebook.

How to Locate Facebook Marketplace on Facebook the App

It is a very easy step to take if you want to locate the marketplace, so you don’t have to go through the rigor of trying to find it out. Follow these steps to know how to locate the Marketplace Facebook,:

  1. Launch the Facebook app on any device with internet access (Android, iPhone, Laptop, Desktop) and log in to your account
  2. Locate the shop icon and click on it.

This icon which looks like a storefront is what launches you into the Fb Marketplace. It is located at the top left side of your desktop page, at the bottom for IOS and the top for Android devices.

Once you have clicked on the shop icon, you will be launched to the page where you can begin your buying and selling in the marketplace.

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