Update Facebook Dating Site

Update Facebook Dating Site: Dating on Facebook, have you ever heard of that? Facebook has finally launched a dating service on the Facebook site, and this service is officially known as Dating. It has been made to be an official service or feature that will be existing on the Facebook app. It also lets Facebook users set up different Facebook profiles from the main one they already have, in order for them to get connected to others in a good union. Actually, these two Facebook profiles will not be related, so your friends on the main Facebook account will not really be able to see your dating account profile.

Update Facebook Dating Site

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Dating on Facebook

This and it also has its own inbox, that does not give you the chance to share images and links. And with this feature installed on this dating services’ inbox, it is known as a safe site for you. so, if you are a single interested in getting connected, then Dating on Facebook is available for you. do you want to get started with dating on Facebook? then you will need an account for that.

Facebook Dating

The Facebook Dating is a feature or app that match users online, it helps in finding love for you on the Facebook platform. With this dating feature on Facebook, you can easily find love online, who knows it maybe your life partner. This app makes you experience a new side of dating online because it has a lot of features and also benefits online. Is this dating app on Facebook free? Well, you are going to find out when you read further.

Facebook Dating Site Free App

Users have been having a rethink about this dating app that Facebook has created, is this really free or it cost money? The Facebook dating app is free and does not cost money, or any annual/monthly fee. But you must make sure you are up to 18 years and above before you can make use of the dating app. Age below this will not access it, also you must be a Facebook user and create the Facebook dating profile. The Facebook dating profile is what makes users have access to the Facebook dating feature.

Facebook Dating App Near Me

Facebook dating is not available in every country, only some countries have access and can make use of Facebook dating online. Also, Facebook has not yet launched the dating app in all countries yet, but you can still find love by joining dating groups on Facebook. But the Facebook dating groups are not that reliable, like the Facebook dating app. I am going to tell you how you can know if it is available in your country.

Facebook Dating Available

To know if the Facebook dating feature or app is available in your country then you must know this. You will find a dating notice at the top of your Facebook newsfeed or homepage. Also, you will find a shaped heart icon at the top of your Facebook profile, when you click this, it will direct you to where you can date on Facebook. But you must have a Facebook account.

Create A Facebook Account

Dating on Facebook actually requires you have a Facebook account. without an account, you cannot be able to access the Facebook site. and there are certainly no two ways about that. Do you want to start dating on Facebook? it’s easy! All you have to do right now is to follow the processes below and get your account.

  1. Open a Facebook account today on www.facebook.com.
  2. On the site, fill in the application form with your full name
  3. A mobile number or an email address
  4. A reliable password for the Facebook account
  5. Select your gender
  6. Enter your date of birth
  7. Click SIGN UP.

Now you have gotten your account. from here, you will find other instructions you have to follow for your account to be open.

How to Log in to Facebook

Did you create a Facebook account following the processes that I have listed above? if you have, then you still have something to know about that account.

  • Log in to your account on www.facebook.com.
  • On the Facebook login page, enter your email or number.
  • Enter your password.
  • Click LOG IN.

BOOM! your account is now open, so you can access this account whenever you go and whenever you want to.

How to Start Dating on Facebook

Facebook has made a very surprising service on its site, that has been made official for Facebook users. There are millions of people out there who have marked themselves in the single list. So clearly, you can also get connected too! Here’s how this dating on Facebook works;

Facebook Dating Profile

Create a Facebook account and log in. On your profile, you will find an icon, taking the shape of a heart. Click on it and you will be referred to the dating home. From here, you will be prompted to set up a different dating profile from the one you already have. And you should know that your Facebook friends will not see this. It’s safe!

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Now, you can be able to search for people, groups, and events that may be of interest to you. your profile will then be shared with others, and you can begin a private message with anyone of your choice. It is just as simple as that!