Set Up Facebook Video| How to Turn off Auto Play Video Settings – Facebook is one of the fastest-growing social media on the internet. With millions of users constantly online trying to play video. One of the major activities of a user on Facebook is to upload photos, Video and status users can also like a friend’s photo. pictures or status they can also comment on them. As a result of these activities, users tend to view other people’s timelines. To see what they have been posting or uploading. Scrolling through a friend timeline shows everything that the user has been posting. Including photos.
Note that if the user has a video uploaded on his or her Facebook timeline it we play automatically. As we all know that playing videos online consume more internet data than when you just go through a user’s timeline.
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You can stop videos from playing by clicking on the stop icon. it is advisable that you turn off this function to save your internet data.
Video settings for Facebook is one thing everyone who uploads video should have knowledge about. For users who want to save their data why using Facebook Auto-Play Video Settings is the right thing to turn off. Let get started on Video settings for Facebook
1. Click on the Facebook setting icon that looks like a small triangle facing down at the top right corner.
2. Click on settings from the drop-down tab to view a list of all your Facebook settings.
3. Click on videos to access the video settings.
4. Under Video Settings Go to Auto Play, change it from Default to Off.
Now that you have turned off Auto Play function on Facebook. Any time you view a friend timeline or anybody timeline that has video. It won’t play automatically anymore. Until you click on the play icon for it . This we help to minimize data usage from auto-play videos.
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