Make an Avatar on Facebook using an iPhone

Make an Avatar on Facebook using an iPhone : Facebook Avatars was recently made available in the US, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and Canada. The company has now rolled out the new feature to one of its biggest market by user accounts, India. With the help of the new feature, Indian Facebook users can create cartoonish characters to represent themselves in chats, similar to Snapchat’s Bitmoji and Apple’s Memoji.

With the new Facebook Avatar feature, users will now be able to create and share their cartoonish character with others. They can use these characters while commenting on posts, inside of profile picture and Messenger chat windows. Apart from this users will also be able to export these avatars to third-party apps like Snapchat, Twitter and Instagram.

The Facebook Avatar Emoji Challenge is a challenge going on in Facebook groups and pages. You can join this challenge at any time. Recently, Facebook avatars have been trending. If you haven’t made yours yet, then you are missing out on a lot. As a lover of Emojis, you are definitely going to love this feature. Thanks to Facebook, users can now create a mini version of themselves in a cartoon character. Whenever this mini version of you is seen anywhere on the platform, users can quickly recognize it is you. This cartoony character can look just like you. There is a front facing camera when creating your avatar to help you out just in case you forgot what you looked like.

ALSO READ– Facebook Bitmoji

Facebook Avatar Challenge

Now creating a Facebook avatar is not a problem, at all, but it seems not everyone reading this knows what the avatar is. The Facebook avatar is a cartoon version of yourself on the Facebook platform. It is a representative of you on Facebook, in words in the place of your picture you can use your Facebook avatar (The Facebook Avatar Challenge). It is not only used as a Facebook profile picture but there are also lots of things you can use this feature online. If you will like to know these things then it will be nice for you to keep on reading and get more information.

Facebook Avatar Emoji

Now the Facebook avatar can be used as stickers, not only on Facebook but also on other social media websites too. The Facebook avatar can also be used to express feelings on comments or posts. Just the way the reaction icons are attached to a post or comment so enable one to show the way they feel about a post so the Facebook avatar is to. You can use the Facebook avatar to express sadness, happiness, anger, love, like, surprise feeling, and many more. The Facebook avatar is very useful and you can make yours very amazing if possible, make it the best.

Create My Facebook Avatar

Now before you can create your Facebook avatar (Facebook Avatar Challenge), then you must have a Facebook account and also a Facebook app. When you have all these things then you are ready to create your own Facebook avatar. Now if you are not a Facebook user then you should go and sign up online to have an account after that then download the Facebook app. Once you have done so then read further to know how to access the Facebook avatar.

Facebook Avatar

The Facebook avatar (The Facebook Avatar Challenge) is not available in every county only some countries can have access to the feature. If you have the Facebook app and want to know if the avatar is available in your country then read further. When you open the Facebook app then click the three-lines below, you will option along with the “See More” option. Click it and then you will see the “Avatar” as an option, if you don’t see it then know it is not available in your country.

Facebook Avatar Link

The Facebook avatar app is not a standalone app, so you cannot download the app. Rather it is been built along with the Facebook app, so you must download the Facebook app to use the avatar feature. Now without the Facebook app, you cannot access or make use of the Facebook avatar, so you should download the Facebook app. Also, when downloading Facebook make sure it is the updated version of the app. So that you can see the Facebook avatar.


To create the Facebook avatar and you want guidelines to do so then you should follow all the steps below:

  • First open the Facebook app.
  • Then sign in to your account using either your username or email and your password.
  • Now tap on the menu icon. (You can get the menu icon on mobile devices at the bottom right corner).
  • Then from the menu listed options, tap on “See More”.
  • Also, then tap on “Avatars”.
  • Now you will have to tap “Next” to get started.
  • Then chose a perfect skin tone that best fits you and tap on “Next”.
  • Also, from the next section, you will customize the looks of your avatar by selecting through your suitable hairstyles, hair color, face shape, eye shape and color, make-up, eyebrows, nose shape, facial hair, body shape, outfit, etc.
  • Now after you are done customizing your avatar, tap on the checkmark at the top right corner of the screen.
  • Then tap on “Next”.
  • Finally, tap on “Done”.

These are the steps that you must follow when you want to create a Facebook avatar.

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