How To Save A Video On Facebook To Your Phone – Each time we scroll through our timelines on Facebook we come across several videos, the funny ones, the educative ones and much more.
Occasionally, we wish we can just hit the download button to save it directly to our device but that feature is no where to be found, but relax, gone are the days when you neglect a video you wish you had on your device because there are several tools you can use to save videos directly to your mobile devices now so you can watch later or share easily with your friends, those tools are what we will introduce you to in the remaining part of this guide.
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How To Save A Video On Facebook To Your Phone – Ensure you follow the steps stated in this guide strictly as we introduce you to some amazing applications that will help you download videos from Facebook.
Warning: Before we dive into the topic of the day, I would like to point out the fact that downloading copyrighted audio-visual material from the Internet may be regarded as a crime depending on the author’s term of use.
It is not our goal at NECOVILLA to promote piracy, we only made this tutorial available simply for an informational function so we denounce and take no part in any abuse of the procedures in this guide.
Use of Google Chrome Web Browser (Android)
How To Save A Video On Facebook To Your Phone – Google Chrome web browser is one of the best techniques you can use to save Facebook videos directly to your mobile device. We know that Chrome browser is a very powerful web browser with a lot of extensions to help us out, for most android users, Google Chrome Web browser is a pre-installed app but can also be downloaded from play store if not found pre-installed on your phone.
Once you have the application installed on your device, you can now read ahead and carefully follow the steps that will be pointed out to you as we describe the best ways to use this powerful browser to download a Facebook video directly to your mobile phone.
Note: The steps listed above strictly works on chrome for Android and is not guaranteed to be same for Google Chrome versions of iPhone or iPad.
Use of third party application
Alternatively, you can use third party applications to download Facebook videos directly to your phone. So if the steps listed above for Android devices does not work for you, you have a lifeline with third party applications, kindly follow the steps below.
Typically speaking am not a fan of third party applications, but if it can help you out why not try it but on no condition must you provide your confidential details just to have access to the app’s features because it’s truly hard to find those applications that are 100% trustworthy and 100% safe, although some are still genuine enough and safe to use.
Listed below are applications that are safe to use without fear of intrusion on confidential information.
Get Them All: This is one of the most popular applications for downloading videos from Facebook, it is available on both Android and iOS. The main function of this application is to simply allow you download any video online especially from Facebook and is readily available on the application store for both devices. once this application is installed, launch it and you will not need to log into the social media platforms.
Video Saver: This is another fantastic application that allows users to easily save videos from Facebook. It is available only for iOS users particularly to allow iPhone or iPad owners download motion pictures easily from known social network platforms.
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The iOS request confirmation menu will pop up and you will be asked how you wish to proceed, here you have two options, you can decide to save the video to cloud by pushing the minimize File button, or download the video to your device’s memory by pushing Save Video.
Also from this request confirmation menu, you might be able to share the video via an immediate messaging application or upload it back to Facebook.