How to Change your Facebook Name – Changing your name on Facebook is pretty straightforward process. However, there are some restrictions that Facebook has long had in place on what you can actually use as your name; it’s worth having a look at Facebook’s names policy. You are basically required to use “the name you go by in everyday life”, but this provides you a fair amount of flexibility.
You also can’t use Symbols, numbers, unusual capitalization, repeating characters or punctuation, characters from multiple languages, any kind of titles, words or phrases in place of a name and finally any offensive or suggestive words of any kind.
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How to Change your Facebook Name – Get Facebook Username
To change your name, do the following:
1. Go to Settings.
2. Click General under Settings and select Account Settings > Name, and click Edit.
3. Enter the name you want to use as first name, optional middle name, and your chosen last name and click Review Change.
4. Facebook will prompt you to pick how you want your name to appear.
5. Make your choice, put in your password, and tap on Save Changes.
The name should take effect immediately, but also note that Facebook will review it and you may be asked why the change was made. If the name doesn’t adhere to the requirements listed above, you may not be able to change it.
As long as you do not use anything very ridiculous, you should be able to change your name to whatever you want without Facebook having a fit. It is also worth noting, that once you have changed your name, you will not be able to change it again for another 60 days.
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If you have a nickname,a professional name or other name that you don not necessarily go by in everyday life but you want it attached to your Facebook profile, click on ‘Add Other Names’.
These other names will help people find you in search, so for example, you will show up for searches for both your married and maiden names.