Hindi Facebook Poke in English : During lengthy physical conversations, you recognize that people especially the young lads poke and also jab at each other as a method to tease, flirt, irritate or otherwise simply indicate, “Take notice of me” or “Do not forget I’m below.” This type of expression has been incorporated in the social-networking site Facebook which is popularly called “poke” function.
Essentially, a poke is the same as a like, with a much more ambiguous purpose.
According to Urban Dictionary, a poke “allows users to say ‘hello’ to or show interest in a friend without having to go through the tedious process of crafting coherent sentences.” Basically, a Poke means someone is trying to get your attention, flood your notifications just for fun, or find an excuse to flirt.
An early Facebook FAQ page read, “When we created the poke, we thought it would be cool to have a feature without any specific purpose. People interpret the poke in many different ways, and we encourage you to come up with your own meanings.”
ALSO READ- How To See Pokes On Facebook
Whether or not you find a poke sweet, unimpressive, or creepy is entirely up to you. Although if you’ve frequented Facebook a lot in the past year, sometimes it’s nice to have a wordless interaction void of any rants or political commentary.
A Facebook poke is a totally free feature that enables you to send a virtual “Hey, I was here” message. The poke shows up on your friend’s page as an icon that signifies who poked him and offers the options “Remove Poke” or “Poke Back” If you receive the symbol on your page, just you – not the visitors to your page – will see it, as well as if you don’t poke back or remove it, the person that sent it cannot poke you any more.
A poke war is exactly what it sounds like: A constant exchange of pokes back and forth between two users. Poke wars serve no purpose and always end when one person gives up and decides to stop poking back. There’s no real end game if you choose to start a poke war, unless you plan to be relentless enough to out-poke your opponent.
If you receive a poke from someone you don’t want to poke back, you have the option to just ignore it. Facebook lets you delete Pokes by clicking the gray “X” so you won’t have to see the notification. If the notifications continue, blocking the sender is always an option, especially if you aren’t friends with them.
Facebook doesn’t allow users send multiple pokes to someone they’ve already tried to poke until the recipient replies or pokes back. Thankfully, this means you can’t be harassed by another user or have your notifications blown up by 20 pokes from the same person.
You are allowed to poke a person who is a verified friend of yours, a friend of a verified friend or a person in a shared network.
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