Hide Friends List On Facebook – How Do I Hide My Facebook Friends List

How to Hide Friends List On Facebook – Facebook is a social network of millions of people from all around the world. The platform is open to anyone of appropriate age and it is completely free to create account. With this, it is important to control your privacy on the network and depending on your choice you can control who sees your list of friends on Facebook. Based on this, we created this post to show you how to hide friends list on Facebook so that only you can see your list of friends. Let’s get started!

How to Hide Friends List On Facebook

1.  Login your Facebook account and Click on the small arrow at the top-right corner of the your Facebook profile page, which points downwards.

Also Read – How to Contact Facebook Help Center

2. Scroll through the list of options to “Settings”.

3. Click on “Privacy” at the options by the left side of your screen.

4. Now under the privacy settings and tools, scroll to “How People Find And Contact You” option and you will see the question, “Who Can See Your Friends List”.

5. Click On the “Edit” button just by the right corresponding to this question.

6. Click on the button within the box, and select from the options “Public, Friends, Only Me, or Custom depending on who you want to see your Facebook friends list.

Hiding Your Friends List On FB

And now, because of the purpose of this post, which is learning how to hide friends list on Facebook, you will have to select the option “Only Me”.

Because you want to hide your friends list from other people on Facebook so that you will be the only one to see your list of friends, you will then need to tap or click on the “Only Me” option.