Guide For Facebook Marketplace : Imagine settling into your couch after a day at work and flipping on your TV — only to realize that it only shows one channel.
You’d be confused, annoyed, and disappointed.
Back in the day when Blockbuster was around, we’d grab our popcorn and candy while picking out a flick. It makes sense.
Determining your sales channel strategy is just the same: it’s important to give your shoppers a balance of choices.
This article on the Facebook Marketplace was originally written in 2014. And, WOW have things changed since then! Please see my updated notes at the bottom for new tips on buying and selling in the Facebook marketplace.
Are you a part of any Facebook Marketplaces in your area? I’d estimate I’m in 20 different marketplaces in my county, ranging from furniture & home goods to crafts & homemade items, and everything in between.
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Whether you’re new or seasoned, I have some tips from buyers and sellers, and even from a couple of group administrators that can help you get the most for your money, completely headache-free!
It’s really all about who you know! Sometimes they begin city- or county-wide, and when memberships become so large it can become difficult to manage, so administrators may choose to break off by category. Do some research, poll your friends on Facebook and if they’re a part of a marketplace, ask them to invite you. Many groups are “closed” or “secret”, requiring an admin to approve potential new members.
Here’s an example of a perfect Facebook Marketplace transaction. The seller posted details of her item, her general location, and price. Someone responded, then the seller replied that she private messaged the first responder. One additional person expressed interest by commenting “Next”. If the first buyer passes, the seller will go to the next one in line.
Is it time consuming? It can be. Factor in your time taking and uploading your photo. Turn off your notifications so your Facebook newsfeed doesn’t become inundated with marketplace deals. And some do complain that there are no-shows when an item is scheduled to be picked up.
Is it safe? I believe so, especially when you can meet someone off-site if you are concerned in any way. As with any online communication or transaction, be smart. One admin told me she’s seen people put their street address within a comment (instead of private messaging). That would be not smart.
Is it fun? Yeah, I’ll admit it’s pretty fun! I sell most of my kids’ clothes and toys through Indy Kids Sale twice a year, but I have had some decent success with home decor, household items and my own clothing. I save up my cash from selling for some “fun money”, spending it on shoes or a purse, you know, girlie things like that. Another friend of mine sold her entire living room furniture set through the Facebook marketplace, and used that money to put toward her new set.
After reading through my original article dating back to 2014, surprisingly many facts and nuggets of wisdom are the same. Play nice, wait your turn, don’t be a line jumper and show up if you agree to meet.
What HAS changed:
Facebook has now changed the look of these groups and the look of posts themselves. When it first became a “thing”, buy/sell posts looked much like your standard Facebook post in your newsfeed. Now, there are sections for item name, price, location and description.
I hope you found these Facebook Marketplace Tips helpful! Do you participate in Facebook marketplaces where you live? What’s your take on them?
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