Facebook Status Post Downloader App – Have you ever wondered what the Facebook status download App is used for? This is what most Facebook users are asking for they want to know how to get Facebook status that they love so much on their device. Well, that will not be a problem anymore since you are reading this article. I have researched and now want to share the steps or ways a user can download a Facebook status. If you want to get full information on this read further.
Facebook Status Download
Facebook as a platform has amazing videos or post been uploaded on the platform each and every day. Users love these posts or videos and will like to download them just as I have said in the first paragraph. I will be providing all the answers to every question been asked in this article. Do you want to know how to download Facebook status? Or is there a Facebook status downloader app? Well, I am going to tell you all this.
Facebook Status Downloader
Now if you want to download the Facebook posts or status then I am going to tell you how to. There are two ways for you to download Facebook status or posts. You can download an app that you can use as a medium to download Facebook Status or posts. Also, you can download it online, by visiting the Facebook status download website. Well, I am going to tell you the website you can download the Facebook status online.
Facebook Status Post
If you want to download the Facebook status or post online then I am going to tell you the steps on how to do so online, before telling you how to use the app. Here are the steps below to follow when you want to download the Facebook status online:
- Open your chrome or web browser then visit,
- Now just copy the link of the post or video from Facebook and then post it in the empty box been displayed in the Facebook status downloader site.
- When it has been copied and displayed then click download to download the post or video.
- It will immediately begin to download on your device, this is how to download the Facebook status or post online.
Facebook Status Post Downloader App
If you want to use the app then you should download the Snaptube app from the play store or any of the app stores. Once you have downloaded the app now read the steps below on how to make use of it:
- Open the app.
- Now type in the name of the video or post you want.
- Then from the search results that you have gotten, select the one you want.
- Once or if the video fits what you can upload on your Facebook status click on the “download” button.
- Now select your preferred video format and also resolution.
- The save the file to a location on your device and then begin the download process.
This is how to download Facebook status or video using the app.
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What is a Facebook Status Update?
A status update, also known as a Post, is information that you create and publish on Facebook.
On almost every web page you see while using Facebook, a blank box appears. The box has the message “What’s on your mind?” in it, but this message changes from time to time so you might see something different. If you place your cursor inside the box and click, the box expands and some additional options appear around the box. A tap on a mobile device does the same thing.
Only after you click on the Post button is your update posted on your Timeline and shared on Facebook with your connections.
With your cursor in the Status Update box, you can type in any text you’d like to share as a Status Update. Posts can be short and quick, or long. It’s up to you. Facebook has increased the length of text in a post to over 60,000 characters (63,206 to be exact). To put this in perspective, the average novel is 500,000 characters in length. Prior to this change, Facebook status updates were limited to 420 characters.
Other than the limit on length, what you post is completely up to you.
Photos and Videos
Most photos on Facebook are shared using the Status Update box and the Photo/Video button on the box. In fact, you can start a post with a photo, then add text later. You can even add more than one photo at a time.
Both the desktop and mobile app support photos. Since many users of smartphones use the built-in camera, the Facebook mobile app makes it easy to upload a photo from your smartphone photo album and even take one with your camera from within the Facebook app. On your Facebook app, just tap the Photo button and you’ll see the options for selecting a photo and the camera icon to take a photo.
Adding a video in a post works the same way. After uploading your photo or video, you can add any text to the update before posting.
Web pages all have addresses, called links. A link is the term used to describe text that, when clicked, links to a web page on the Internet. You can enter a link in any Status Update. Sometimes Facebook will go to the web site you link to and see if it can pull a photo from the site which can be used as a thumbnail in your update. This doesn’t always happen and depends a lot on the way Facebook scans the web page in the link so if you want to be sure and have a photo appear in a Status Update, it’s best to add it as a photo.
Post Privacy Settings
Near the Post button is the privacy button. The privacy setting last used by you for posting an update is the one that appears. To change who can view the update, click on the privacy button, then make your selection. Only the people you choose will be able to view and comment on the update.
Keep in mind, however, that nothing on the Internet is really private. Once information is available to anyone, they could copy it and share it with anyone.
Places and Location
The Status Update on Facebook gives you the option to include your location for the post. Sometimes your location will be visible next to a map pin by the Status Update box. If you want to indicate your location at a Place page (a type of brand page on Facebook for public locations), you can click on the Place button.
Most web browsers and web sites have the means to identify you’re location based on the network you’re using, or if you entered some location information in your profile. Mobile devices are even more accurate with cellular towers and GPS chips built-in.
Scheduling Posts
The clock icon allows you to schedule when your post goes “live” and is shared with your connections and is visible on your Timeline. Click on the icon and enter the year, month, date, and hour for your post.
Using the scheduling feature, you can back-date posts. For example, if you take a vacation but want to post pictures with the real date the photos were taken, you can use the schedule icon to mark the post with the accurate date and time.