Facebook Security Setting – Facebook Security Settings Guide

Facebook Security Setting – Facebook security settings enable you to customize your privacy and security settings on your account. Over the past years, Facebook has actually been one of the best and fantastic platforms for keeping up with friends, family, and colleagues far and near. You can share a photo, video clip, or a funny link within a few seconds. That is why it is good to protect your account on Facebook. In order for strangers not to view your location, family list, friends and even your relationship status.

In that way, it makes different people have some personal information you would rather like to share with the people you know. That’s why Facebook has arranged a number of security settings for your account. If you wish to know about your settings, I need you to pay attention to this guide. Now let’s dive in to know about our Security settings on the famous social platform.

Also Read – Facebook privacy Settings

Facebook Login

If you want to set up your security settings on Facebook, the account must be logged in your device. For it to be very easy you can just log in through the Facebook app or website. To log in, follow the steps below;

* Open the Facebook mobile app or access your browser and type in facebook.com

* Type your email address or mobile phone number and password into the fields that would be provided on the page.

* Then hit on login.

The profile will be loaded on the device. If you’ve lost the password, you can simply reset it by hitting on the “Forgot password” button. Once you are logged, navigate to your settings page and start customizing the settings you wish to change to the way you want.

Facebook Security Page

What do you understand by Facebook Security Page? The Security page is the page on the platform that is loaded with different categories of settings. From which you can customize your account settings to how you want it to be on the platform. Now if you want to access the security page is very simple and can be accessed by hitting on the Menu button, also then go to settings. Your Facebook security page includes the following settings;


This is actually the heading settings on the page. From this section, you can change your name, email address or password.

Security and Login

You can change your password and also turn on alerts and approvals to help keep the account secured. This section is about your login and notifications.


When you feel that you are not having the privacy you need on the platform, then head to this section. From this section, you can actually adjust who can see the things you upload and also friends.

Timeline and Tagging

Set up the people who can see your timeline and how to manage your photo tagging.


If you block someone on the account, the user name would be found in this area. It is the section from which you manage the users and items you block from access to you.


Choose the language you like to use on Facebook. There are different languages that are used on the social platform and from this category, you can choose the one you want.

Facebook Recognition

Facebook now offers the facial recognition feature to users. The Facebook Recognition is where you can turn on/off the recognition on the account.

Changing your security settings on Facebook is simple and fast. So if you wish to make any changes, you can head to another of the sections that suites your needs. And customize the account as you want.