Facebook New Avatar – Facebook introduced the new Facebook avatar feature which allows you to create a character or make a cartoon avatar that will resemble yourself, which you can make use of like a sticker in a comment, stories, and Facebook Messenger. The FB avatar can also be used in place of your Facebook profile picture and also made use of in place of text messages on your mobile phone. You can also send the Avatar on Facebook stickers in-app like Snap chat, Twitter, Mail, and Instagram. The Facebook avatar can only be accessed on the new Facebook app for mobile devices and also not all countries have access to it. It can only be accessed by people in the UK, the USA, and New zealand.
If you are a user with the old Facebook mobile app you can update or download the new Facebook app from your Google play store for android or Apple store for iOS devices. Once you are able to download the new Facebook app you don’t need to create an account of the Avatar before you will be able to access it it only requires your old Facebook login and password. You may have stressed yourself looking for the Avatar App to download. Eventually the avatar on Facebook does not have a stand-alone app for users to download but it’s only a feature in the Facebook mobile App only. It’s yet to be known if you can also have the access to use the Facebook Avatar creator on your desktop or PC computer.
This is an easy step for you to take, these steps will guide you through the process.
Once you have finally done that, launch the Facebook App from your home page mobile phone, enter your phone number or email and password to log in.
ALSO READ– Facebook Avatar Stickers
Accessing the Avatar creator on the Facebook mobile app is very easy once you patiently read and follow the guide given below.
Once you can do that you will be able to create your own Avatar and share it with others by commenting, chat in messenger, making use of it as your profile picture.
Switching from the classic design to the new design has actually proved to give users a different experience of the Facebook application or platform, this new design allows for individuals to be able to see the home page more and it gives them a better view of their events and groups. These are some of the major features of how to switch to the new Facebook design from the classic one.
These are some of the major changes that have been put into effect in the new design for Facebook, individuals can access this new design on the Facebook application, and they can start using this new design on their desktop platforms also. Facebook has been getting positive feedback from users about this new design.