Facebook Messenger Icons and Symbols – The many icons and symbols used across Facebook Messenger can be pretty confusing. So, what do they all mean? In this article we’ll explain what all of the Facebook Messenger icons and symbols mean.
What Do the Symbols Mean on Facebook Messenger?
We’ve researched the most common icons and symbols on Facebook Messenger to find out what purpose they serve. Here’s everything you need to know.
1. Facebook Messenger Icon: Open Blue Circle
The open blue circle Facebook Messenger icon means that your message is currently sending.
It’s best if you don’t navigate away from the message while the open blue circle is present as you may risk losing your message if you exit before it is fully sent.
2. Facebook Messenger Icon: Open Blue Circle + Checkmark
The open blue circle with a checkmark means that your message has been sent.
At this point, you should be able to navigate away from the message without any worries, but the person you are sending the message to may not be able to see it yet.
ALSO READ– Messenger Guess The Icon Game
3. Facebook Messenger Icon: Filled Blue Circle + Check
While the person may not have seen your message yet, you can be confident that it’ll be available to them whenever they next check their phone, tablet, or computer.
4. Facebook Messenger Icon: Red Triangle + Exclamation
A red triangle with an exclamation point should only appear if your message is not sent due to an internet connection outage. It is arguably the least common Messenger symbol.
A message should appear alongside the red triangle that says “This message didn’t send. Check your internet connection and click to try again.” Avoid navigating away from the page until your internet connection is working, or save a copy of your message offline to ensure your information is not lost.
If someone has seen your Facebook message on the Messenger app, a small, circular version of their profile picture should appear underneath the last message they read.
You’ll also see the word “Seen” displayed under a message that has been read, along with a timestamp to let you know when the recipient opened it.
How to Hide That You’ve Read a Facebook Message
Facebook has a feature that allows you to mark messages as unread, which has led many people to think that they can read a message without the sender knowing it has been read. Unfortunately, Facebook’s Mark as Unread option is just an inbox sorting tool and won’t retract the read receipt.
Aside from using third-party add-ons in browsers, the only way to avoid someone knowing you’ve seen their message is to not open it.
Can Strangers Send You Messages on Facebook?
Facebook has also made changes to the way that strangers can send you a message. Now, if someone you don’t know wants to contact you, three things will happen:
- You will receive a notification that you have a message request.
- You will have the option to either Ignore or Accept the message after reading it.
- A notification will remain on Messenger to let you know that you are not friends with the other person in the message.
What Is a Message Request?
A message request is a notification that you receive if someone you are not friends with sends you a message on Facebook.
This is an update from older versions of Facebook Messenger where messages from non-friends would be sorted into the Other folder in your Messenger inbox.
How to Delete Facebook Messages
There are four different ways to hide or delete messages on Facebook:
- Archiving a conversation will move it out of your Inbox and into the Archived folder. The action is reversible.
- Deleting a conversation will delete every message ever sent from your inbox, but not from the other person’s inbox. This is non-reversible.
- Deleting Messages will allow you to select specific messages to permanently delete from your inbox, but not from the other person’s inbox.
- Blocking Messages will prevent another person in the conversation from sending you any further messages. This action is reversible.
It’s also important to know that you can appear offline on Facebook or block someone from sending you messages without blocking them completely. This is a great workaround for awkward social media situations.
How to Use Messenger Without Facebook
While Messenger was originally intended for use on the Facebook platform itself, it can now operate independently from Facebook as long as you provide the app with your mobile phone number.
What Can You Add to Your Facebook Messages?
Facebook has added a ton of features that allow you to make your Messenger conversations dynamic and interactive. There are lots of Messenger add-on apps that enable you to do anything from singing your friends a song to adding stickers to your selfies.
If you don’t want to download external apps, Facebook Messenger has GIFs, stickers, and voice recording features that can help you dazzle your friends.
Looking for more tips? We’ve written about some hidden Facebook Messenger tricks you should try right now.
Facebook Messenger Alternatives
Although lots of users have taken issue with Messenger’s permission requirements, it remains one of the most-used messaging apps around. At the last count, it had over 1.3 billion active users, with 20 billion messages sent every month. Which means that you’ll almost always be able to contact the person you want to talk with.
However, if you don’t like Facebook and its products, remember that there are plenty of alternatives to Facebook Messenger you can check out.