Facebook Memories

Facebook Memories : Facebook has announced a new section called “Memories.” Memories is a central place to view “On This Day” content. The Memories feature will also highlight friends that you made on that day in the past with collages and videos that celebrates “friendversaries.” In that section, there will be seasonal or monthly recaps of memories that are bundled into short videos or messages. And if you do not check the memories page for a while, it will show posts that you may have missed from the past week.

In the announcement, Facebook product manager Oren Hod pointed out that over 90 million people use the “On This Day” feature per day. Hod also cited research that reflecting on memories can have a positive impact on people’s mood.

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On This Day shows content from this date in the past. For example, you might see past status updates, photos, posts from friends and other things you’ve shared or been tagged in – from one year ago, two years ago, and so on. Only you will see this content unless you decide to share it with your friends.

To see your On This Day page, you can click on the On This Day bookmark, search for “On This Day,” or visit facebook.com/onthisday. You might also see a story in your News Feed.

Once on the page, you can choose to subscribe to notifications so you’ll be alerted when you have memories to look back on.
Now that you’ve seen your Facebook memories, you can share it as your Facebook status so that all your friends can get to see them too.

I hope this has helped you bring back your memories? kindly share to all Facebook friends so they can also bring back past memories on their status.

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