Facebook Marketplace For Real Estate Agent: If you’ve been in real estate awhile you’ve probably heard the debate surrounding Facebook and whether or not you should be using it for your business. And maybe, even if you’ve decided to use it, you’re finding yourself asking: how do I make sure I’m not wasting my time and money on marketing strategies that don’t work?
If you were someone looking to rent or buy, where would you start? I know, every time I’ve looked, I’ve started online and I’m not the only one. The National Association of Realtors reports that, in 2017, 51% of buyers found the home they purchased on the Internet. That’s definitely enough to justify having an internet presence but does it mean you have to be on Facebook?
Beyond being a social media platform, Facebook is a market. It is a social market which can be used for networking of any sort. Real Estate isn’t in anyway an exception. This is one very prominent market worldwide. There is always a need for properties (Houses, Lands, etc. which are essential amenities).
ALSO READ– The Facebook Marketplace Icon
However, If you are a realtor or real estate agents, it is high time you step up your game because we now live in a digital world i.e., a world where everything is online. One of the best mediums you can get clients now and make sales is the use of Facebook.
This is because FB has created laid down means through which you can get across to your targeted audience with ease. When doing business, you are required to get your business across to the right audience (people who have interest in what your market). To prosper as a realtor, the steps are listed below:
The first step to get and building an audience as you can see above is creating an FB business page. To get your page rolling which is the first as you can see above, kindly follow the steps below:
Now, you can use FB Ads and Insight tool to grow your presence on Facebook. Using these tools, you can grow your business and become a big name in your industry.
Next, it’s time to actually create your ad. You need to choose imagery, design your layout, and write the copy for your ad. If you’re using a video ad, then you’re going to have to shoot your video.
Here are a few quick rules for creating engaging Facebook ads.
1. Always Put Yourself in Your Leads’ Shoes & Ask WIIFM?
When it comes to writing copy and getting creative with imagery, design, and video, it can be very easy to lose track of your main goal. In every ad, your main goal is always to convince your audience to take a certain action. In order to make sure you’re putting them first, once you’ve created your ad, pretend you’re a part of your audience and ask yourself What’s In It For Me? (WIIFM) Why should I click on your ad? Pretty graphic design or clever language generally won’t cut it.
2. Try Using Emojis in Your Copy ????????????
Remember, your job is to make people pause, read your ad, then click on it. Emojis can increase the click-through rate of ads because they look more like the text that their friends are posting on Facebook.
3. Use Images of Homes, But Also Consider Using People
While at the end of the day you’re trying to get someone to purchase or sell a home with you, pictures of homes can sometimes cause people’s eyes to glaze over and tune out your ad. Images of people on the other hand are harder to resist looking at.
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