Facebook Free Marketplace Near Me Buy & Sell | Marketplace Facebook Buying Sell

Facebook Free Marketplace Near Me Buy & Sell is a free platform on Facebook which is centered on buying and selling just like every market place. You may have it in mind to start up your own online shop but you don’t have the capital required to start it up. This is one thing Facebook came to solve. The FB Marketplace is a gallery of items.

This Marketplace has a setting that helps users locate buyers and sellers near them. You have to go through your FB Marketplace setting and identify the areas you want to be seen. That is, areas which you can be seen as a buyer or seller. You will also see other buyers and seller found in this environment.

How to Find the Facebook Free Marketplace Near Me On Desktop, Android, and IOS

On your Facebook page, there is a Facebook Marketplace Icon in form of a store front. This icon is found in different areas of your page for Desktop, Android, and IOS.

Desktop – For Desktop, it is found on the menu bar located at the left-hand side of your page

Android – For Android, it is located at the top of your page amongst other icons like the notification icon, friend request icon and messenger icon.

IOS – For IOS, it is located at the bottom of your Facebook Page

ALSO READ – Basic Facebook Marketplace Settings

When marketing for sell on this platform, it is very important your take good photo shots of the items you want to sell include detailed description of them. These items are categories and if you are a buyer, all you need do is search for the item you want to buy. Once you see the item, the marketer will be unveiled. All you need to do is send the seller a message and bargain before purchase.