Facebook Dark Mode Settings – Facebook Messenger Dark Mode – Do you want to make your Facebook theme unique and different from the usual theme? Then, try the Facebook Messenger Dark Mode. Facebook dark mode is a unique theme you would probably want to try.
A lot of persons are making use of the Facebook Messenger default theme which is absolutely fine. We are in a world where uniqueness matters a lot.
The FB Night Mode is very unique in the sense that it gets people asking you which platform you are on and with a kind smile you can reply “Facebook”.
Its features are not different in terms of its operations. This means you have nothing to worry about. Actually, this mode isn’t available for all versions and that is why you need to do an upgrade.
If you are making use of the versions in which you have this setting, don’t blame yourself for not knowing because it’s kind of hidden.
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Facebook Dark Mode
This theme is an OLED black theme which appears very real and beautiful. Before you are given access to this theme, you must be making using of FB Messenger version and above. So, if you are not, it’s time to step up your game by updating yours. To switch from the default theme to the OLED black theme (Facebook Dark Mode) kindly follow these steps:
1. Log in your Facebook Messenger
2. At the top of your page, click on your profile picture (located at the top left corner)
3. You would then be introduced to “Settings” where you can simply switch to the Dark Mode
One thing with OLED black mode is that it will help you reduce battery capacity consumption therefore, improving your battery life. So, tell me, why won’t you want to make a switch?
Am sure you will love using this because other social media platforms are now having theirs.