Facebook Dark Mode App Review 2020 | Dark Access On Facebook

Facebook Dark Mode App Review 2020 – FB dark mode is one of the most interesting features ever introduced to the Facebook platform. Dark Mode also knows as “Night Mode” is a feature that changes the default interface as we all know it from white to black. This feature has gotten a lot of thumbs up from users around the world because it not only cool but has proven to be good health-wise.

A lot of apps being created these days have begun to embed the dar mode into it but am glad Facebook is one of the first to do it. When this mode is turned, you might find it hard to believe that you’re still on Facebook because it gives it a totally different look from the one you are used to.

Facebook Dark Mode

We’ll not just talk about the fun part but also the beneficial ones. This mode was created by studying how humans reacted to exposure of light and with the results we’ve seen over the year, looking down on the screen for too long isn’t can cause a lot of damages to the eye.

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However, the dark mode interface is completely different because it gives it a night like look saving the human eye from the exposure of too much light. It’s just like having night time during the day. The Facebook dark mode also helps you minimize the draining of your battery when enabled.

How To Switch To Facebook Dark Mode

These features work on both Android and iOS devices so you don’t have to worry about that. Here’s how to switch from the default interface to the dark mode:

  • Open your Facebook app
  • Click on the hamburger icon
  • Scroll down and click on “Settings & Privacy”
  • You will see Dark Mode below “Your Time on Facebook” and above the “Language” option
  • Click on the Dark Mode Option to enable the dark mode theme