Facebook Business Page Manager : Facebook provides all advertisers with the ability to organize and manage all of your business’ assets such as Facebook Page, Instagram Business Profile, Ad Account(s) and people who manage them, in one central place – Business Manager.
Managing many Facebook Pages and ad accounts can be proven to be a rather tedious task, especially if you have many people working in many and different accounts and Pages, which translates to different access levels. If you have been in the game of Facebook ads for quite some time, chances are that you have heard of Business Manager. In this tutorial we will go through the process of creating a Facebook Business Manager and explain its various options that offers to Facebook advertisers.
ALSO READ– Facebook Ads Tutorial
Business Manager will serve as a central hub where all of your assets will be organised in and can share permissions to partners. You will need one in the case that:
Enter an name for your business, preferably your domain name and insert your full name and email and click on the “Finish” button.
Upon providing the information you will be redirected to Business Manager’s Dashboard. Here, you can set up all the basic assets (Pages and Ad Accounts) and also grant and manage the access levels of the people that you will be working with. In order to add assets other than these you need to do so through your Business Manager’s settings.
The Facebook business manager is highly beneficial to a business owner, the main objective is to help the business to organize their business assets. Therefore, you should create a Facebook Business Manager account if your business has a marketing team, you can grant access to every single person working or managing your Facebook or Instagram ads and pages.
If your business wants to in a various geographical area with different time zones
Start-ups and e-Commerce companies to target audience for campaigns and propel sales and campaigns
If you manage multiple Facebook or Instagram assets such as Facebook Pages, ad accounts or apps you should consider Facebook Business Manager. You can also request access to other Pages, ad accounts and apps or share your own with other agencies to help you grow your business.
If you want to work with vendors who helps in creating and managing Pages or ads without giving them ownership, you can consider Facebook Business Manager. You will have total control over access and permissions to all your assets.
Adding people to your Business Manager
Add anyone who works on your business’s Facebook Page or ad accounts. You need to provide an email where the invitation will be sent too. Have in mind two things: The email shouldn’t necessarily be the person’s personal email. It can, and it it’d be best, if you use their work email. The second thing that you need to have in mind is that the person needs to have a personal Facebook Profile., in the case that they don’t have one they will be prompted to create one prior to accepting your invitation. This helps Facebook verify their identity. Once they accept your invitation to join this Business Manager you can assign them to your business’ assets.
Adding Pages to your Business Manager
Use this option to add any Pages that are connected to your business. You need to provide the name or the URL of the Facebook Page(s) you own. In the case that you do not own one you can either create via the “Create Page” button or request access to it by clicking on the respective button. Adding a Page is required as it is needed in order to run most types of ads on Facebook.
Adding ad accounts to your Business Manager
Here you have similar option as in Add a Page. You can create, add or request permission to access an ad account.
If you run ads on Facebook for your business, you can either add your existing ad account or create a new one in Business Manager.
Have in mind that if you are working with multiple ad accounts they should all be in good standing. Having some ad accounts in bad standing or under review may not allow you to create any new accounts.
Adding Apps to your Business Manager
If you have an app that you’d want to promote, you need to add it to your Business Manager. By clicking on the “Apps” tab you can either “Add a new app” or “Request Access to an App” by clicking on the respective button.
Next, enter the Facebook App ID. Have in mind that if you cannot see it this means that either the app has been added by another Business Manager or you are not the admin on the Facebook for Developers.
Once you’ve successfully added your app you can assign an ad account and run ad campaigns for it.
Adding a Pixel to your Business Manager
The Facebook pixel is a piece of code that’s placed on your website to report conversions, build audiences and get insights about how people are using your website. Bare in mind that there’s a limitation of 10 pixels per Business Manager account.
Adding a Product catalogue to your Business Manager
In the case that you will be running Dynamic Product Ads you need to create a product catalogue first. A product catalogue can be suitable for e-shops, or businesses that offer flights, housing and accommodation, vehicles or travel destinations. Even if you aren’t operating in any of those sectors, you can still find a creative way to use DPAs as long as you are willing to experiment.
Click on the “Add” button and choose the option that better describes your case.
For more instructions on how to create a new Product Catalogue check out my detailed tutorial on Dynamic Product Ads.
Adding your Instagram Account to Business Manager
Depending on the business field you operate in you might find that having a presence on Instagram makes sense. In that case you will need to add an Instagram account for advertising. To do so, navigate to the Instagram Accounts Tab, click on the “Add” button and fill in your account’s credentials. Once you have added your Instagram account, you will want to connect it to your ad account. To do so, click on the desired Instagram account and then “Assign Ad accounts”. Have in mind that both Instagram and Ad account need to be under the same Business Manager for you to make the connection. Should you wish to delete it at some point in the future here’s the place you can do so. Find and click on your Instagram account and then click on “Remove”.
Adding domain(s) to Business Manager
Domain Verification is a way for you to claim ownership of your domain in Business Manager. By doing so, you will be able to control editing privileges of your links and other content to prevent misuse of your domain.
Click on “Domains” option on the left and choose “Add a Domain”. Once you add it you can choose the method you wish to use to verify your domain: DNS Verification or the HTML File Upload.