Delete Your Account On Instagram – Delete Your Account On Instagram

Delete Your Account On Instagram – Instagram for some people is an addictive platform where its users cannot resist its constant pull and also it is a data exhausting site with thousands of megabytes burning on sharing and viewing Instagram pictures and videos.

If these are your taught and you willing to just let go of your account or permanently delete your Instagram account, then you have visited the right place. This article will educate you on how you can temporary as well as permanently delete your Instagram account.

Also Read – How to Delete Facebook Account

So if I have succeeded in changing your mind, here is how you can temporary delete your Instagram account.

How to temporarily disable an Instagram account

  • Open your favourite browser to go to (note that you can’t do this from the Instagram application).
  • Log in into your account.
  • Click on profile button in the top-right corner of the page.
  • Beside your account profile photo and username, tap “Edit Profile”.
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the list and choose the “temporarily disable my account” link.
  • Give a reason you wish disabling your account.
  • Insert your password.
  • Click on “temporarily Disable Account”.
And that’s it, whenever you are ready to reactivate the account, just go back to Instagram and simply log in with your username and password.

If you are very adamant and you still intend to continue with your first intention to totally delete your Instagram account, then follow the steps below;

How you can remove an Instagram account (completely)

– From the same browser, go to Instagram’s delete account page.
– Then you have to log in if you are not already logged in.
– Give your reason for wanting to delete the account.
– Insert your password again.
– Select “Permanently delete my account”.

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Now your Instagram account is gone forever because it cannot be retrieved or restored.