Delete Facebook App

Delete Facebook App  – If you want to delete your Facebook App from the device you are currently using, then follow the guide to successfully uninstall or delete the App from your phone easily.
It may happen that your phone is getting slow due to the memory space consumed by the Facebook App installed on your phone.

Delete Facebook App

You should know that there is a difference between Uninstall and deleting. Uninstall is just like giving it a break while deleting means that you have to uninstall it from the list of applications and also delete it from the main root which is the Memory (SD) card.

However, you can download, install and uninstall your Facebook app again whenever you want.

How to uninstall Facebook app on Any Device

Facebook App supports devices like the iPhone or iPad and Android. So here in this guide, we will gladly show you the few steps you will use to uninstall the Facebook app using any of the devices.

ALSO READ– Selling On Facebook Marketplace

Removing Facebook App on an iPhone or iPad

If you are using an iPhone or iPad and you want to delete the Facebook app from it, then follow these steps;

  1. Press and hold the app icon
  2. Tap the x that appears
  3. To confirm, tap Delete

NOTE: You can reinstall the app back on your device anytime you want by simply downloading it from iTunes App Store.
Removing Facebook App on Android

To uninstall the Facebook app from your Android:

  • Go to your Android’s settings and open your application manager
  • Tap Facebook
  • Tap Uninstall

NOTE: You can reinstall the app back on your android device anytime you want by simply downloading it from Google Play Store.Kindly use any of our share buttons below to share this post with your FAFS across the globe and leave a comment