Dark Mode theme Facebook Dark Mode App Latest Version – Facebook Dark Mode Review

Download Facebook (FB) Dark Mode App Latest Version – Facebook Dark Mode is a feature on the social media platform that gives your user-interface a dim theme. This theme is unique in the sense that your Facebook app gets to have a nighty look which makes the feature also be referred to as “Night Mode”. Dark Mode on Facebook helps Facebook users make use of their FB app most effectively at night and also in the dark.

The reason is, at night, the intensity of light from our phone screens goes to a whole you level. Meaning, the light rays increase at night, and when we are also in the dark. The human eye is very sensitive to bright light and this has been considered by social media platforms and tech companies with the initiation of the dark mode feature.

Facebook Dark/Night Mode Review

When sensitive light continues to enter the human eye, with time, it becomes an issue as the eyes become affected by it. Everyone wants to be in a state of wellness. No one wants to have his/her human senses damaged. To control the effect on light that goes into the eyes from the Facebook app, dark mode as a theme was introduced.

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One other great thing this feature does for Facebook users is that it helps conserve their battery capacity as they make use of the FB mobile app. This is because one of the things that contribute to the draining of our phone batteries is “Light”. So, dark mode or night mode as it’s also called can help you control this.

Facebook Dark Mode App

Dark Mode on Facebook is only available on the Facebook iOS app at this very moment. It is yet to be introduced to Facebook’s Android app. Although, Facebook has announced launching the feature on its Android app. So, if you are an Android user, kindly wait for it.

NOTE >>> Only those making use of the latest version of the Facebook app can enable dark mode.

How to Enable Facebook Dark Mode

  • Open your Facebook app
  • Click on the hamburger icon
  • Scroll down and click on “Settings & Privacy”
  • You will see Dark Mode below “Your Time on Facebook” and above the “Language” option
  • Click on the Dark Mode Option to enable dark mode theme

Download Facebook Dark Mode App (iOS)

  • Launch your App Store.
  • Click on “App” which is found at the bottom of your page.
  • Click on“Search” and enter Facebook App
  • Click on the Facebook App.
  • Click “Get”
  • Click “Install”
  • Wait for the complete download.
  • Click “Open”.

Download Facebook Dark Mode App (Android)

  • Open Google Play Store.
  • In the search bar, type “TikTok”.
  • Click “Install”.
  • Wait for the complete download.
  • Click “Open”.