Create PlayStation Account: PlayStation is the presently the most popular gaming system in the world, to have access to PlayStation features such as services, stores, and online games you need a PlayStation Network (PSN) and sign in to your PlayStation device, all you need to do to access your Playstation device and services is to follow these steps given by our top gaming enthusiast in the person of “Jacob Etubi”.
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When you use your PlayStation for the very first time it will require the date, time and connection to the internet, after this, it will display an option to create a PSN account, if you already own a PlayStation device and you don’t have an account, just turn on the system and click “options/PlayStation Account” then click “create account”.
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You are creating a new account, a form will display on your screen, fill it correctly, if not you will have issues connecting to the store and online gaming. The form will require the following: