Create New Facebook Event

Create New Facebook Event : Do you have an upcoming event that you would want to showcase to the world but don’t know how to? Well, you should try Facebook events. This Facebook feature is beyond amazing. If you want to create Facebook event? Read this article until the end.

Facebook Events is a great way to get people together virtually or in person to support your business, brand, or product. Events are also an economical way of getting the word out beyond your normal in-house marketing list by inviting fans of your Facebook Page or members of your Facebook group.

Facebook Events helps you with the fine points of creating and throwing your own event.

So, without further ado, I’ll quickly show you how to Create Facebook event on your Android device using the Facebook App. Trust me when I say these steps are easy to follow.

How to Create Events on Facebook

Why create events on Facebook:

Facebook events are best suitable for individuals who wish to let others learn about one particular occasion. Events vary from groups, and fan pages in that events are more short-term, and there is little interaction between members that “sign up with an event.” It was just created for a purpose and after the purpose is served, the event page might be deleted.

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Events provide members three primary choices: going to, perhaps participating in, and not going to but this is only seen by members, an example of an event subject could be “Class ’05 reunion”.

How to Create Facebook Events:

  • Log on to your Facebook profile. To create an event, browse to your events page by clicking the Information tab from your profile.
  • Click on the event page and from there, click the produce an event button, by the top right corner of the screen.
  • From here follow the On-screens guide to direct you through the procedure of starting an event.

Note you will need to specify a start and end time for your event, choose personal privacy settings, including information, and pick who to welcome i.e. make it public or not just like open and closed groups options while creating groups on Facebook.

After this, you can click the “create” button, and your event is live!


  1. Click on the menu button at the top right-hand of your Facebook page
  2. Scroll down and click on “Events”
  3. Click on the blue button at the right-hand bottom corner of the page
  4. On the top of the page, tap on the drop-down button to choose between a “Private” or “Public” event.

For “Private event”

  1. Add photo
  2. Add event name
  3. Edit the starting date and time, and end date and time to suit you
  4. Edit location
  5. Edit details
  6. Tick or untick the box to allow or disallow your guests to invite friends
  7. Add friends to co-host the event by tapping on “Co-hosts”
  8. Tap on “Create” at the bottom of the page to create the event.

For “Public events”

  • Add photo
  • If you are an admin in any page, you can allow the page to stay as the “Host”, (the page will automatically appear as host), if you decide otherwise, just tap on “Host” to change it to your preference.
  • Fill in the event name, time, location, details, and ticket URL
  • Tap on “Co-hosts” to add friends as co-host to the event.
  • Tick and untick the two boxes that says “Only admins can post to the event wall” and “Posts must be approved by admin” to suit your preference.
  • Hit on “Publish” after you are done.


To create a private or public event:

  1. Click on “Events” in the left menu of your News Feed.
  2. Click on “Create Event” in the top right.
  3. Click to choose between a private or public event. If you’re creating a public event, you can set the event’s host as yourself or a page you manage. You’re not able to change the privacy settings once you’ve created the event.
  4. Fill in the event name, details, location and time. If you’re creating a public event, you can:
  5. Add multiple dates and times
  6. Select a category for your event
  7. Add keywords about your event
  8. Add a link to a ticketing website for your event
  9. Click Create.

After you are done, you will be taken to your event where you can invite guests, upload photos, share posts and edit event details.