Knock Knock Feature on Google Duo – Enable Knock Knock feature in Google Duo

Knock Knock Feature on Google Duo – Enable Knock Knock feature in Google Duo

Knock Knock features on the Google Duo App is said to be one of the USP’s and when it was first introduced the features for Google Duo App.  Google which is well known for its findings, surprises and Knock Knock also comes in the same line.  The feature makes the users be able to see who is calling you with the live video even when the phone is locked.  That is to say, without the user answering the call he/she can the live actions of yours only if they have your contact on their contact list.

Also Search – 

Google Duo Web – Google Duo Online | Google Video Calling

Google Message Web: Googles Answer to iMessage Web

Knock Knock Feature in Google Duo

The Google Duo Knock knock feature has different situations. For example, when a user doesn’t want to talk, pick up the call and be in a meeting. When the caller calls you with the knock-knock feature helps you to see the video preview till 30 seconds, and after which it will disappear, and the call will be a disconnect.  However, at the same time, the caller will not know that you did that intentionally to ignore him/her. The Duo app doesn’t permit the caller to drop a voice note.

How to Disable Knock Knock feature in Google Duo

It’s very easy to disable the Knock Knock feature in Google Duo Android Phone. The Knock Knock features allow you to see what the caller is doing before he or she receives the call. The feature is nice as you can see what your friend id doing or up to. The following are steps of how to disable the Knock Knock feature in Google Duo:

  • Open the Google Duo App on your Android phone or tablet.
  • Click on the threedot menu at the top –left corner of the main screen of your phone.
  • Then select Settings.
  • Click on “Knock Knock”.
  • Slide the Toggle to off position.

Here are the steps of how to disable Knock Knock feature in Google Duo.

How to Enable Knock Knock feature in Google Duo

The following are steps on how to enable Knock Knock feature in Google Duo.

  • Tap on the Google Duo App on your Android phone or Tablet.
  • Click on the three-dot menu at the top- left corner of the phone.
  • Then click on settings.
  • Tap on “Knock Knock”.
  • Tap the Toggle to on position.

Here are the steps of how to enable Knock Knock feature in Google Duo.

How to Turn Knock Knock feature in Google Duo on Computer

The following are steps on how to turn Knock Knock feature in Google Duo on computer.

  • On your computer visit the website:
  • In the top right-hand corner of the computer.
  • Click on settings.
  • Turn on the Knock Knock on

NOTE: when you want to turn of the knock knock Features Computer just to setting and click on the Knock knock off.

How to Turn Knock Knock feature in Google Duo on Computer

The following are steps on how to turn Knock Knock feature in Google Duo on Chrome Book.

  • On your Chrome book visit the website:
  • In the top right hand corner of the computer.
  • Click on settings.
  • Turn on the Knock Knock on

NOTE: When you want to turn of the knock knock Features on the chrome book just to setting and click on the Knock knock off.