Reactivate Facebook Profile – How to Re-activate your Facebook Account

Reactivate Facebook Profile – Did you previously deactivated your Facebook Account, and now you want to reactivate the Facebook account, then this article is for you as we have covered the simple thing to do to get the account active again.

By deactivating your Facebook account, you simply freezed the account, thus, this is different from permanently deleting your Facebook which means you can reactivate your Facebook Account.

So, if you have been asking such question how do I Reactivate Facebook account of mine, or you need to learn to help a friend, then here we go!

How to Reactivate Facebook Account

All you need do is simple. Go to Facebook website on and then login that your Facebook account with your Facebook login details.

N|B: Your Facebook login details include the email address or phone number you used in creating the Facebook account, and also your login password.

Also Read – How to Change Your Facebook Password

Once you login, boom! Your Facebook account is automatically reactivated or unfreezed. In this case, you will be able to see your friends list again and any status update you post will be seen by friends.

Did you Forget Your Facebook login details? It is possible you have forgotten your Facebook login password. In this case, click on the “Forgotten Account?”

Now type in the email address or phone number that is associated with your account, and Facebook will provide you details you will use to gain access to your Facebook account.

NOTE: Ensure you have access to this email address or the phone number, and also note you may need to answer some other identifiable information before Facebook will allow you login to the account.